2007年8月13日 星期一

馬英九Long Stay的錯誤示範

前陣子馬英九的long stay之旅搞得如火如荼的時候,我心裡一直有個疑問:「long stay?」那不就代表馬英九把台灣當作他出國旅行的暫時居住地之一嗎?

通常講「long stay」,我第一個浮現的印象就是:泰國。很多歐美人士都喜歡去泰國long stay,那裡物價便宜,人民大體還挺友善的。

在自己的國家內是不用「long stay」的,因為你本來就可一輩子住在這裡,自由進出,沒有「long」或「short」的問題。

怪的是英文聽說很強的馬英九並沒有在第一時間就釐清,反而任由媒體每天long stay個沒問沒了的,今天我看到一個老美寫的blog就點出這個「long stay」字眼背後圖顯的心態:

Meanwhile Ma too was looking back into the past, but in a very different and more revealing way. Ma Ying-jeou finished his "long stay" in southern and central Taiwan at the end of last month. The very phrase is suggestive of how Ma views Taiwan outside of Taipei -- as a kind of hostile territory where his residence is a temporary foray necessitated by the exigencies of electoral politics, rather than a visit to a place in his own country.
