2008年12月19日 星期五

特偵組別鬧了 周占春法官很棒








前文提到,馬英九的哈佛老師 jerome cohen教授前兩天在台,針對羈押問題,他其實有說了這麼一段蠻有意思的話:

“For two-and-a-half years they have been investigating Chen. This is not something they just heard about. Now [the prosecutors] tell the court they need to lock him up to prevent him from talking to other people. But he has been talking to other people for two-and-a-half years,” Cohen said. “Without knowing more, the face of it raises real questions,” he said. (出處:taipei times /12/18/2008)




(出處:聯合報論壇/不自為裁定 高院少發夢遊囈語/張升星-台中地院法官(台中市))


2008年12月17日 星期三


馬英九在哈佛的老師孔傑榮(Jerome Cohen)這兩天在台灣,持續談到羈押、陳雲林在台期間發生的警察暴力,還有組成中立組織來改革這些人權問題等。



在介紹中,Stephen Yates 說明謝國樑是在美國南加大受教育,算是美國教育出來的人;另一個法務部代表Jeng-Shyang Chin(若知中文名請告知)也是。


比如Yates問到羈押(Yates使用preventive detention )問題時,謝國樑就丟給法務部代表Chin來回答;這位Chin先生急得一直用中文跟謝國樑說,羈押不是「preventive detention」啊...


警政署代表John L. Chu(若知中文名也請告知)也很搞笑,放了一堆照片來強調警察被暴民打、警察受傷等。結果被聽眾打槍說他的呈現實在太偏頗了,因為一般外電媒體也報了很多民眾受傷的照片啊,怎麼不見你拿出來說呢?


謝國樑算是消毒團裡做得比較成功的,至少我這麼覺得,他十分「謙遜」,不斷說「若有各位有指教,我一定帶回去好好研究」之類的場面話。但在談到警察暴力時,他又十分捍衛這次國民黨的作法,他提到他先前住在洛杉磯,十分清楚什麼叫「警察暴力」(是啊,rodney king嘛),言下之意台灣的警察真的太客氣了。



但美方則強調應該要「presumption of innocence」(無罪推論),還有「ends don't justify means」(不能用結果論來合法化你的過程)的概念。


Update: 2008/12/19


2008年12月14日 星期日

2008 淡水藝術嘉年華(與精靈幻舞舞團)
















2008年12月9日 星期二

Virgin Killer:使用兒童情色照片的界線

維基百科因為有一條70年代Virgin Killer唱片封面藝術詞條,由於涉及兒童情色而被英國網路擋掉,不過由於技術問題,後來變成整個維基百科都被擋。



國內有好幾家媒體也報導這則,但目前唯獨我看到 ITHome的這則新聞公然把這張照片放出來(雖然有加了一點馬賽克)。




若我們利用Google News來看Virgin Killer這則報導,幾乎所有國外英、美知名媒體在陳述此事都沒使用這張照片,即使唯一有一家使用,也是經過黑白處理、並經過色彩調整,你幾乎已經看不出情色意味。

Google News看到的國外媒體大部分都沒看到有使用這張照片。




2008年12月8日 星期一



(Source: 中時駐美華府特派記者/ 劉屏 2008, 11/24)



我從雲程的雙魚鏡看到Taipei Times有刊出前AIT高官白樂崎(Nat Bellocchi)等美國政治學者/官員再次投書,指出台灣司法已經政治化的傾向。




原文:美國到底怎麼看扁案?/ by 劉屏(全文)


上述提到的中時駐美記者劉屏還特地撰寫文章,教導國內民眾好好認識英文「we have every expectation」這句的用法。



Lastly, a statement by the US State Department is interpreted in your letter as an “endorsement” of Taiwan’s legal system and the procedures followed. It should be noted that in international diplomatic language, the term “we have every expectation” means “we are concerned and we will watch the situation closely.”
在國際外交辭令中,「we have every expectation」這句話的用法意思是:「我們很關心/憂慮這件事,未來我們會持續密切注意後續發展」








Dear Minister Wang [王清峰],

In an open letter to the Taipei Times published on Nov. 25, you responded to our joint statement regarding the erosion of justice in Taiwan. We appreciate your acknowledgement of the sincerity of our concerns, and are grateful to receive a prompt and serious reply.

Based on the information available to us, however, we remain concerned about choices made by prosecutors in applying existing legal authority and strongly believe in the need for reform. Please allow us to highlight a number of specific points:

1. The procedure of “preventive detention”: This procedure is obviously intended for serious criminal cases in which the suspect is likely to flee the country. In his Nov. 13 article in the South China Morning Post, Professor Jerome Cohen states that “it ought to be invoked rarely.”

Yet, during the past weeks, it has been used across the board, and it has been used only against present and former members of Democratic Progressive Party [DPP] governments. This casts severe doubts on the impartiality of the judicial system. We also wish to point out that the people involved were detained under deplorable circumstances, and that they were not even allowed to see relatives.

2. Your open letter contains the argument that when they were detained, the present and former DPP government officials “were all informed of the charges that had been brought against them.” This is simply not correct. When they were detained, they were subjected to lengthy interrogations — in some cases for up to 20 hours — which bore the character of a “fishing expedition,” and do not represent a formal indictment in any legal sense. In most cases the prosecutors had had months to collect information; if they did have sufficient evidence of wrongdoing, they should have formally charged the persons and let them have their day in a scrupulously impartial court of law. That would be the desirable procedure under the rule of law in a democratic society.

3. Your open letter also states that the persons involved had “the right and ability to communicate with their attorneys to seek legal assistance.” It neglects to mention, however, that in all cases where people were detained, the discussions with the lawyers were recorded and videotaped while a guard took notes. This information was then immediately transmitted to the respective prosecutors. We don’t need to point out that this is a grave infringement on international norms regarding lawyer-client privilege and makes mounting an adequate defense problematic at best.

4. On the issue of leaks to the press, your letter states that, under the Code of Criminal Procedure, information from ongoing investigations can only be disclosed by spokespersons of the prosecutor’s offices and that unauthorized disclosure is subject to criminal prosecution. The fact of the matter is that during the past weeks, the media have been filled with information on the ongoing investigations that could only have come from the prosecutors. We may point out one example, but there are numerous others:

Only a few hours after former minister of foreign affairs Mark Chen [陳唐山] was questioned on Nov. 3, Taiwan’s Apple Daily newspaper ran an article saying that “the prosecutors are thinking of charging Dr Chen in relation to the case.”

The issue of violation of the principle of secret investigation was also raised by Shilin District Court Judge Hung Ying-hua [洪英花], who strongly criticized the present situation and procedures followed by your ministry in a Liberty Times article on Nov. 17.

We may also mention that we find it highly peculiar that no steps whatsoever have been taken against the various prosecutors who leaked information, while we just learned that the Ministry of Justice is now taking steps against Mr Cheng Wen-long [鄭文龍], the lawyer for former president Chen Shui-bian [陳水扁], who supposedly “leaked” information to the press. The ministry sent a formal request to the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office asking the office to investigate and prosecute, and sent a formal request to the Taiwan Lawyers Association that asked the association to review the case and see whether Cheng should have his license revoked.

It is our understanding that the statements Mr Cheng made were in relation to former president Chen’s views on Taiwan’s situation and its future, and an expression of love for his wife, but did not have any bearing on the case against him. We hope you realize that if the ministry proceeds along these lines, this will be perceived as a direct confirmation of the strong political bias of the judicial system.

5. Your letter states that it is untrue that Taiwan’s judicial system is susceptible to political manipulation. If this is the case, how can it be explained that in the past weeks, only DPP officials have been detained and given inhumane treatment such as handcuffing and lengthy questioning, while obvious cases of corruption by members of the KMT — including in the Legislative Yuan — are left untouched by the prosecutors or at best are stalled in the judicial process?

We may also refer to expressions of concern by Professor Cohen and by lawyer Nigel Li [李念祖], who expressed his deep concerns about preventive detentions in the China Times’ editorial for Nov. 9. In the editorial, Mr Li praised remarks made by prosecutor Eric Chen [陳瑞仁], who was part of the legal team prosecuting the special fund cases, that the prosecutors’ offices should “avoid the appearance of targeting only one particular political group.”

The fact that the Special Investigation Task Force was set up under the DPP administration or that the prosecutor general was nominated by former president Chen is not at issue here. The problem is that the present system is being used in a very partial fashion.

We may add that the fact that you yourself have publicly discussed the content of the cases does create a serious imbalance in the playing field, and undermines the basic dictum that a person should be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Under the present circumstances it is hard to see how the persons involved — including former president Chen — can have a fair trial in Taiwan.

6. Lastly, a statement by the US State Department is interpreted in your letter as an “endorsement” of Taiwan’s legal system and the procedures followed. It should be noted that in international diplomatic language, the term “we have every expectation” means “we are concerned and we will watch the situation closely.”

For the past two decades, Taiwan has faced a difficult situation internationally. What has given Taiwan important credibility in democratic countries around the world has been its democratization. We fear that the current judicial procedures being used in Taiwan endanger this democratization, and endanger the goodwill that Taiwan has developed internationally.

In conclusion, we do remain deeply disturbed by the erosion of justice in Taiwan, and express the sincere hope and expectation that your government will maintain fair and impartial judicial practices and quickly correct the present injustices. As an editorial in the Nov. 20 issue of the London-based Economist indicated, Taiwan is “hungry for justice,” and we also hope that your government will be willing to initiate judicial reform that would move Taiwan toward a fully fair and impartial judicial system that earns the respect and admiration of democratic countries around the world.

Respectfully yours,

(in alphabetical order)

Nat Bellocchi

Former American Institute in Taiwan chairman

Coen Blaauw

Formosan Association for Public Affairs, Washington

Gordon G. Chang

Author, “The Coming

Collapse of China”

Assoc. Prof. Stéphane Corcuff

University of Lyon

Prof. June Teufel Dreyer

University of Miami

Prof. Edward Friedman

University of Wisconsin

Dr. Mark Harrison

University of Tasmania

Prof. Bruce Jacobs

Monash University

Richard C. Kagan

Professor Emeritus,

Hamline University

Jerome Keating

Author and former

associate professor,

National Taipei University

Assoc. Prof. Daniel Lynch

University of Southern California

Prof. Victor H. Mair

University of Pennsylvania

Assoc. Prof. Donald Rodgers

Austin College, Texas

Prof. Terence Russell

University of Manitoba

Prof. Scott Simon

University of Ottawa

Michael Stainton

York Center for Asia Research, Toronto

Prof. Peter Tague

Georgetown University

John J. Tkacik Jr

Senior Research Fellow,

The Heritage Foundation

Prof. Arthur Waldron

University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang

University of Richmond

Gerrit van der Wees

Editor, “Taiwan Communiqué”

Assoc. Prof. David Curtis Wright

University of Calgary

Stephen Yates

President of DC Asia Advisory and former deputy assistant to the vice president for national security affairs

2008年12月6日 星期六




張震嶽唱完就說,明後兩天的Simple Life歡迎大家去現場看他。(還好我不是粉絲,他下台後,另一邊傳來粉絲超大的叫聲)。

但Simple Life前年第一次開演時,我曾去看過。雖說是Simple Life,但實際並不「簡單」,我記得當時售票是600元,裡面有許多小舞台演唱會,很多地方都擠滿了人,若是知名當紅的歌手,你可能連門口都擠不進去。由於人多擁擠混亂,你不太容易好好欣賞表演,我並沒在其中感受到任何simple life的快感。

反倒是這種捷運站前的演唱會,我覺得還不錯,人不會太多,你可站得很近,也可站得很遠,台上歌手紅不紅也沒什麼關係,重點是有人做了表演,你隨意經過,駐足看了一會,也就心滿意足了,這樣還比較有simple life的感覺。


2008年12月5日 星期五

[2008資訊展] 竟然給我看到傳說中的那個...

記得上個月在Funp有網友 °∴?° PRincEss'S BLOg °?∴°寫了一篇:「死變態 下地獄吧你」,裡面提到去年她在資訊月被色狼偷摸的事情,她還公布了後來在捷運上拍到的照片。



我遠遠看到這位仁兄就覺得十分詭異,尤其看台上show girls的模樣,好像要把女生給吃了一樣。


2008年12月4日 星期四


France has repeatedly shown itself to be the weak link in Europe by knuckling under to pressure when other nations push China back.







Why China Keeps Picking on Sarkozy (為何中國單單選中Sarkozy?)



但事實上,到了八月開幕時,Sarkozy還是出席開幕式。但英國(首相Gordon Brown)與德國(總理Angela Merkel )領袖卻挺住,照樣抵制。


馬英九為了加速與中共的關係,連代表「人權」象徵的西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛都不敢會見,這比起法國的Sarkozy更是怯懦百倍,看在中國眼裡,未來只會被吃得死死的吧?(這次馬總統又再次強調他絕不當trouble maker。唉,你會不會太乖了呢?)








Mackay – The Black-Bearded Bible Man, National Theatre, Taipei (全文




Musically, Chin knows his way around an orchestra. He also has a vocal fluidity in both English and Taiwanese. But as a piece of musical drama, Mackay suffers from the problems typical of most first operas. Scenes often end arbitrarily as if, to borrow the show’s medical theme, parts had been surgically extracted and the patient not so subtly sutured.




What’s largely missing in Mackay is the drama, inverting the narrator’s adage “show, don’t tell”. One can only have characters on stage extolling the glories of God, the virtues of Mackay and the natural beauty of Taiwan for so long before someone has to do something.

(馬偕全劇嚴重缺乏劇情,跟一般編劇鐵律「show, don't tell」的概念背道而馳(亦即:故事是要演出來,而不是唸出來)。人物在台上讚美上帝、講述馬偕操守、誇耀台灣天然美景都只能算一部份表現,其他不足部分還是想辦法彌補才好。)